Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Running Eagle Falls

Do Not Point Your Camera Toward The Sun.

It is a rule recited so often that it is almost a mantra.  Still, sometimes we don't have an option. 

My first day in the park I spent midday and early afternoon exploring areas on the western side, and in the late afternoon I made my way around the park to the south, then worked my way in to the Two Medicine area, my next camping destination.

Near there is a trail and waterfall, Running Eagle Falls.  I set off in pursuit of another great sight in a day that had been filled with such.  I walked past the Grizzly warnings, whistling or singing to be sure I was making "people" noise.  Approaching the falls, my first view showed them in shadow, backlit by the sun.  Oh well.  It was still nice.

I crossed an upstream branch and got some closer shots.  The mist from the Falls might generate a nice rainbow in the morning, but not now, not with the sun behind the falls.

As I recrossed the stream and was leaving, I decided to try for a last shot, making the mist and backlighting work for me rather than against me.


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