Sunday, March 27, 2011


Since October, I have been in New Mexico and Arizona.  I am now back in Oregon, where I have been rained upon for days - not heavy, not constant, but a little, every day.  What has struck me most is the change in color.  Even on an overcast, wet day, the greens are astonishingly vivid, and so refreshing to these eyes that had seen only shades of grays and browns for months.

I am at Armitage Park just outside Eugene.  There are a few other rigs here but I am pretty much isolated.  About 200 yards away is the MacKenzie River.  Between here and there is an area of trees and grass.  Everything that has been here for a while - stones, concrete curbs and trees - has a growth of moss on it.  Everywhere I look, I see GREEN!

1 comment:

judilyn said...

We stayed there on our way home from AM Solar's installation of our solar panels in November of 2009. Lovely place - almost walking distance to Trader Joe's and Market of Choice!

There was a guy who was buzzing around on a Segway - wonder if he is still there.

Judie Ashford